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Creative side:
deals with various handicrafts, makes interior products and various gardening works. We also occasionally dabble in the kitchen with baking and cooking.
Challenges in getting a job, for immigrants and Swedish-speakers, are considered to be mainly due to challenges with the Finnish language. This workshop works in Finnish, Swedish and English, but the main language is Finnish.

When you share your skills in, for example, cooking or knitting with the others, you gain better self-confidence and the language develops.
Media side:
is for people interested in learning about computers and how to use them or developing their skills in information technology and media.
Your enthusiasm and interest is all that is needed!

According to one's own interest, guidance can be obtained in e.g. photography, the jungle of social media, print production, 3D design and printing.
In between we also do customer work such as videos, brochures for printing and other small projects.
You receive guidance in the Office programs, as well as in various Internet services (FPA, banks, online stores).
We have a 3D printer, camera, Rasberry Pi, virtual glasses, etc. We also have a platform, designed by a former client of the workshop, to learn the basics of coding.

The goal is to develop our activities as needed, help turn your hobby skills into professional ones or prepare you to apply for an education.

For more information contact the supervisor by email jani(at) or by phone +358 (0)50 3426975

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